Fingerprinting is now available by appointment only. Please call 604-525-5411 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm on weekdays to schedule an appointment.
If you urgently require fingerprinting service, please search the internet for other providers near you.
The New Westminster Police Department provides fingerprinting services for the purposes of the Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP), immigration, citizenship, foreign travel, visas, US waivers, legal name changes, pardon applications, security applications, and other purposes.
We offer an electronic fingerprint service, as well as traditional ink-and-roll method. Individuals are required to attend in person for this service, and we can submit the fingerprints on your behalf to the RCMP in Ottawa for them to complete a fingerprint-based Certified Criminal Record Check. The service timeline for the fingerprint search by RCMP in Ottawa is determined by their policy and volume and can take up to 120 days.
Please note that once the fingerprints have been sent to the RCMP, the New Westminster Police Department has no control over the RCMP’s processing time.
Visit the RCMP’s Civil Fingerprint Screening Services website [1] for more information and you can contact the RCMP in Ottawa regarding the status of your fingerprints being processed at:
Email: [2]
Phone: 613-998-6362 between 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM Eastern Time
How to Schedule a Fingerprinting Appointment
All fingerprinting services require an appointment in advance. Our hours of fingerprinting appointments are Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Our office is located at 555 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC.
An appointment can be made by calling 604-525-5411 or you can also attend the New Westminster Police Department to schedule an appointment. Appointment time lengths vary, however, the average fingerprint appointment takes approximately 20 minutes.
Fingerprinting Process
We require two pieces of current, government-issued identification, one of which must have a current photo. Identification must be presented in person. See below for a list of accepted forms of Identification.
Please bring all relevant documentation with you describing the print service that you require when applying for the Fingerprinting Service. Please read your documents carefully prior to attending our office so that you will know what you require from us.
Canadian Citizenship, Immigration, Permanent Resident and Landed Immigrant applications (electronic) | $78.00* |
Name Changes (electronic) | $78.00* |
Certified Criminal Record Check (electronic) | $78.00* |
Vulnerable Sector Check verification as directed by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (electronic) | $78.00 |
Ink Fingerprints (required for certain applications types) | $65.00 |
*An additional fee of $25.00 may be required if the applicant needs to be fingerprinted to confirm their identity.
We accept cash, debit, Visa and Mastercard. We do not accept personal cheques.
Accepted forms of Identification
- Valid driver’s licence
- Social Insurance Card
- Firearms License
- Health Care Card (must be separate from drivers licence)
- Valid BC Identification Card
- Valid Passport
- Valid permanent residency card
- Birth certificate
- Valid citizenship card
- Valid native status card
- Valid Nexus
*Please note the new BC Services Card, introduced in February 2013, combines the BC driver’s licence and Care Card. The card is considered ONE form of identification and you will need to still bring a second piece of identification.