Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply? [5]
Please visit this link for more information on the exam. [8]
While you do not need to be an Olympic athlete to be a police officer with the NWPD, you must be able to cope with the physical and mental demands of the job. We run all of our candidates through the POPAT (Police Officers Physical Abilities Test) and the maximum time allowed is 4:15. However, we prefer our candidates to be as competitive as possible. If you are unfamiliar with the POPAT test, there are many facilities in the Lower Mainland that offer POPAT training and they are searchable online.
It is possible. There are many factors that come into play, but it is important to note we always consider the applicant as a whole. Our recruiting strategy does not involve hiring “perfect” people. In fact, a candidate who has life experience, made and learned from their mistakes, and lived a well-rounded varied life is definitely welcomed.
Please be sure to be completely forthright in filling out your application form. Full disclosure is very important and this includes indicating your past actions/decisions. We will review these and take them into consideration when looking at your application as a whole.