The New Westminster Police Board is responsible to provide oversight and direction to the Police Department in a fashion that is consistent with the Police Act. The Board works with the Chief Constable and the senior management team to develop and approve a strategic plan, an annual plan/budget and objectives, and policies. The Chief Constable and the senior management team are responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the New Westminster Police Department within the parameters of the strategic plan, the annual plan/budget, objectives and policies approved by the Board.
The Board is responsible for the following governance and oversight functions:
- employer of sworn and civilian staff of the police department;
- financial oversight;
- priorities and policies that set direction for the department; and
- authority for policy and service complaints, and the board chair is the discipline authority for complaints against the chief and deputy chief constables.
Governance refers to controlling and directing the making of policy. Oversight involves ensuring that legislated and mandated functions are carried out by the department.
Click here for the New Westminster Police Board Governance Manual [1]
The New Westminster Police Board is accountable to the community, the BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and the members and employees of the Police Department through senior management.
The Board is comprised of one person appointed by municipal council and up to five persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council. Members of the Board are not paid.
If you’d like to make a presentation to the Police Board you can learn more about that on our Presentations to the Police Board [2] page.
To get in contact with the Police Board, email [3]