Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

Coaching at Soccer School

Thank you for your interest in coaching at the NWPD’s Soccer School.

Suitability for volunteer coaching positions will be determined on the outcome of Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector and the total number of volunteer coaches required. A priority will be given to volunteer coaches who have participated in our past Soccer Schools. All registrants can expect a response by the middle of May advising them they have been successfully qualified as a youth coach. Coaches must be at least 11 years of age.

In order to complete your registration please follow these four steps:

1. Register through eventbrite: February 1st at 8:30am CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

2. Complete this form and print it.

3. With your printed and completed form, the registrant (coach) must attend in person to the NWPD during business hours, located at 555 Columbia Street in New Westminster. If the registrant (coach) is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must accompany them to the police department. Outside of business hours, please email to arrange an appointment.

Please note that no other person can attend in lieu of the person who will actually coach. An adult/guardian/caregiver can not attend on their behalf.

4. Each registrant (coach) must provide photo identification. Unfortunately there are no exceptions.

Accepted forms of Identification

We require two pieces of current, government-issued identification, one of which must have a current photo. Identification must be presented in person.

Accepted forms of Identification:

  • Valid driver’s licence
  • Social Insurance Card
  • Firearms License
  • Health Care Card (must be separate from drivers licence)
  • Valid BC Identification Card
  • Valid Passport
  • Valid permanent residency card
  • Birth certificate
  • Valid citizenship card
  • Valid native status card
  • Valid Nexus
  • We will accept students identification cards if they have a photo

*Please note the new BC Services Card, introduced in February 2013, combines the BC driver’s licence and Care Card. The card is considered ONE form of identification. You are still required produce a second piece of identification.

If your identification does not include your New Westminster address, you must provide proof of residency (bank statement or utility bill that is in your name).

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