The New Westminster Police Department (NWPD) uses social media as one of several communications tools in order to keep residents up-to-date and informed about what’s happening at the police department and in our community. We encourage residents who have social media accounts to follow the NWPD on its official channels, and to help share news and information with other members of our community. By engaging with the New Westminster Police Department’s social media channels, you agree to the following terms and conditions. This participant policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time.
We welcome respectful comments and questions on the New Westminster Police Department’s social media accounts and we expect residents to use the same civil and on-topic approach that they would if approaching staff in any of our front counter. As such, we reserve the right to delete the following types of comments:
- Comments that contain violent, inflammatory, obscene, profane, hateful, or racist remarks, links, or images
- Comments that threaten or defame any person or organization, or are bullying in nature
- Comments that are unrelated to the topic of the post
- Comments that contain inaccurate information about NWPD services, operations, or staff
- Comments that are solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any third-party organizations, unless already advertised/endorsed by the NWPD
- Comments promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to a political office
- Comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity, or contain material that violates copyrights or trademarks of others
- Repetitive or duplicate comments by a single user, or repetitive comments by others regarding a matter that has already been addressed by the NWPD
Participants engaging on the NWPD’s social media accounts are individually responsible for the content of their comments. If repeated posts of the above nature are made by any individual account, we retain the right to block that person without warning. Further, the NWPD reserves the right to restrict comments on any post in order to protect staff from harassment, or when the discussion is no longer respectful or productive.
Residents who wish to formally submit feedback to decision and policy makers should use either the New Westminster Police Board webpage or email Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding the NWPD’s social media activity, and/or this Participant Use Policy at