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Category: Fraud

Telephone Fraud

On Friday September 30th, the New Westminster Police Service was contacted by a citizen that was victim to a telephone scam. The victim was contacted by a male identifying himself as being a member of Shaw Cables technical support team. The fraudster advised the victim that Shaw has become aware that the victim’s home computer […]

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Fraud Prevention Tips For Seniors

Crime prevention tips for seniors Personal safety and crime prevention tips apply to everyone regardless of age. However, seniors are even more vulnerable because they are predominately very trusting of people and have a desire to help others. Every community experiences criminals that prey on the elderly. Most recently, a New Westminster senior was scammed […]

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Debit Card Fraud

The New Westminster Police are now investigating two separate Debit Card Frauds involving a debit card skimmer. In each instance a victim was contacted, either in person or by phone and solicited to donate to the Cancer Society of BC. In both instances a female suspect attended their residence and swiped the victims debit card […]

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