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Emergency 9-1-1

Suspect charged after investigation into online child sexual abuse material

New Westminster – On July 11th 2024 the New Westminster Police Department Major Crime Unit arrested Christien Stringam after completing an investigation regarding online images of child sexual abuse. Major Crime Detectives began their investigation after receiving information from the RCMP Integrated Child Exploitation Unit of BC.

45 year-old Christien Stringam of New Westminster, has been arrested and charged with the following offence:

1 count of Possession of Child Pornography, contrary to section 163.1 (4) of the Criminal Code of Canada;

“The possession of this material provides a depraved incentive for those distributing and creating child sexual abuse material to continue their activities. It’s a cycle that causes far-reaching harm to children, their families, caregivers, and communities,” stated Sergeant Andrew Leaver. “Additionally, these kinds of investigations are becoming more frequent and more resource intensive considering new factors like AI-generated images. Currently the New Westminster Police Department doesn’t have an investigator dedicated to child sexual exploitation investigations.”

Mr. Stringam has since been released from custody with several strict court ordered conditions, including the condition of not communicating or being alone with anyone under 18 years of age.



CONTACT PERSON: Sergeant Andrew Leaver