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2023 New Westminster Police Department Public Opinion Survey Results

New Westminster – In August, a public opinion survey conducted by Ipsos asked citizens of New Westminster about their opinion of the New Westminster Police Department. The survey was developed by Public Safety Canada Research Division and endorsed by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police as a common data standard for public attitude surveys on policing in Canada.

The survey results reveal that the public feels generally positive towards the New Westminster Police Department. They key findings of the survey are:

  • Overall perceptions of the New Westminster Police Department are positive. Very few have anything negative to say.
  • The results suggest there is an overall lack of familiarity with day-to-day police operations, pointing to an opportunity for increased public education and engagement.
  • Most of those who have interacted with the police are satisfied with the treatment they received, particularly if the police initiated the contact.
  • Most are satisfied with their personal safety from crime.

“I’m pleased to see that overall, people in New Westminster have a positive opinion towards their local police,” stated Chief Constable Dave Jansen. “I’m also motivated to see that there are areas where we can improve. The results do point to a gap in knowledge about day to day policing, which we plan to address.”

Municipal police departments in British Columbia are mandated to offer this survey at least every three years. This is the first survey of its kind done by the New Westminster Police Department and it establishes a baseline of public perception, which will be used to monitor changes in public opinion over time. The New Westminster Police Department Strategic Plan prioritizes community engagement and the results of this survey will inform our outreach and communications work.

The Public Opinion Survey report can be found here:



CONTACT PERSON: Hailey Finnigan