New Westminster – The New Westminster Police Department is changing the way traffic tickets are written in New Westminster.
The electronic ticketing initiative is being rolled out by the Provincial Road Safety Initiative. Over time, all municipal police departments and RCMP will adopt the technology. E-ticketing allows the details needed to issue a traffic ticket to be automatically filled with the swipe of a driver’s license. The ticket will be printed from the police vehicle and the information is shared directly with ICBC.
“Drivers can pay their ticket online,” stated Sergeant Greg Smith, of the NWPD Traffic Unit, “And thanks to the auto-fill feature this will result in a less time pulled off to the side of the road with fewer administrative errors.”
The New Westminster Police Department Traffic Unit will be issuing e-tickets this summer, and will expand as more vehicles are equipped with the e-ticketing technology.
The contents, penalties and validity of e-tickets will match that of traditional, written tickets. If you have any questions about e-ticketing you can email or call 604-525-5411.
