Did you know that distracted driving is now the second leading cause of car crash fatalities in BC? When you’re distracted, you react slower. Most rear-end crashes resulting in injuries are caused by distracted drivers. Follow the safe driving tips below and remember to leave you phone alone when driving.
Tips for drivers
- It can wait. No call or text is so important it’s worth risking your life. Let calls go to voicemail and ignore your text messages while driving.
- Assign a designated texter. Ask your passengers to make or receive calls and texts for you.
- If you can’t resist your phone while driving, turn it off and put it in the trunk of your car to avoid the temptation.
- If you have to take a call, pull over if it’s safe to do so or use your phone in hands-free mode; stay focused on the road and keep the conversation brief.
- GLP drivers are not allowed to use electronic devices while driving, even in hands-free mode.
- Hands-free means a Bluetooth or wired headset or speakerphone. The device must be securely attached to the car – it can’t be in your lap or loose on the seat beside you.
- If you’re using a headset or headphones, remember that drivers can only wear them in one ear. Only motorcyclists may have an earpiece in both ears.
- Pick up a decal at ICBC driver licensing offices or participating Autoplan broker offices to remind yourself and others on the road to leave the phone alone.
Tips for pedestrians and cyclists
- Pedestrians: When you approach an intersection, please pay attention to what’s happening around you. Remove your headphones and put away your cellphone so you can see, hear and respond to keep yourself safe.
- Cyclists: Riding in traffic is demanding so avoid distractions and never assume drivers see you. Don’t use headphones or electronic devices so you can see, hear and respond to the unexpected and keep yourself safe.