The event will take place on May 10, 2014, at the end of National Emergency Preparedness Week.

In order to bring attention to the importance of New Westminster residents being prepared for serious incidents and disasters, the City of New Westminster’s Emergency Management Office, in partnership with New Westminster Fire & Rescue Services and the New Westminster Police Department, are hosting The Amazing Disaster Rally on May 10, 2014 at 9:00 am in Queen’s Park, New Westminster. The event is expected to last two to three hours and is the first of its kind in the lower mainland.
The Amazing Disaster Rally is designed to demonstrate the important role cyclists can play in an emergency response. After an earthquake in New Westminster, cyclists may be able to access roads, pathways and bridges that vehicles can’t, to help move people, information and materials from one location to another.
Part cycling rally, part emergency exercise, The Amazing Disaster Rally will see 50 cyclists navigate their way around the City of New Westminster (approx. 25 km) while completing a series of exercises designed to test their knowledge and awareness of various aspects of personal and community preparedness.
Participants will need to safely carry envelopes with instructions, bottled water and food for personal use, and cargo which will be provided on the day of the rally by event organizers.
“We prepare for a lot of things in life, but most importantly we need to prepare for something we hope never occurs,” said Chief Constable Dave Jones. “While police and other emergency service agencies prepare for a disaster, we need each and every member of our community to prepare themselves as well.”
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Phone 604-515-3794