New Westminster – The New Westminster Police are again pleased to be partnering with the New Westminster Salmonbellies and the Vancouver Canucks Alumni for the third annual 2014 Cops for Cancer Cup. This year the format has changed from an NWPD versus Salmonbellies game to an NWPD-Salmonbellies combined team taking on the Vancouver Canucks Alumni. The date has also been changed, moving from a Wednesday to a Friday night.
While the Canucks Alumni line-up has yet to be finalized, former players such as Orland Kurtenbach, Dave Babych, Harold Snepts, Kirk McLean, Darcy Rota, Tony Tanti, Denis Pederson, Mark Lofthouse and Cliff Ronning have all been invited and will be participating as available. Special guest Ernie “Punch” McLean will also be returning to Queens Park arena as an honorary coach.
In addition to the game there will be several fundraising activities including 50-50, outdoor BBQ, and silent auction for Canucks Alumni merchandise. All proceeds go to NWPD Cops for Cancer fund, the New Westminster Salmonbellies Alumni Scholarship fund and the Vancouver Canucks Alumni Foundation.
The game will be taking place on March 14, 2014 at Queens Park Arena. Doors will open at 6:00 pm with puck drop at 7:00 pm. Tickets go on sale next week and can be purchased at Queens Park or Moody Park arena, $10 for adults, $5 for kids and $15 for a family pass for four. So come on out for a great night of family entertainment, cheer on your favourite team and support three very worthy causes.
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